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Mahane Yehuda Market

The Western Wall, the Tower of David and the Machane Yehuda market are some of Jerusalem’s world-famous icons The Western Wall and the Tower of David represent the religious, historical aspects of Jerusalem, the place from which the Jewish people developed. The Machane Yehuda Market, however, represents the heart of Jerusalem, nowadays and in the foreseeable future. In a unique way, Machane Yehuda integrates the old and the new. A bustling marketplace and a neighborhood, it intertwines food, drinks, shopping, bars and restaurants. Despite being a touristic destination, the market has maintained  its most important characteristic: it remains authentic – as can be sensed by  all the flavors and aromas, seen in its colorfulness and heard  in the traders' interaction with the crowds.

Source: Israeli Ministry of Tourism and Noam Chen
It is not for no good reason that the Machane Yehuda Market is widely recognized as a symbol of Jerusalem. After all, Jerusalemites see it as a place that represents, and reflects their  unique identity in the broader Israeli social context. is the market is nicknamed "MachneYuda," similarly to the name of one of the finest Israeli restaurants that is located in the market. But this name has something inexpressible to language; it is beyond words, because it reminds Jerusalemites of themselves, their childhoods, resonating the Jerusalem they so deeply love. Even though Jerusalem today has many shopping and entertainment centers, some are located within several hotels in Jerusalem, there remains something unique about the Machane Yehuda Market that continues to attract people – even those  without a shopping list. Perhaps the Machne Yehuda Market simply enables us to be who we are – lovers of life and the city of Jerusalem.
Source: Israeli Ministry of Tourism and Noam Chen