DEPARTS: | Wednesday |
DURATION: | 5 days |
MIN PAX: | 2 |
Most of northern Israel is generically known as The Galilee (Galil in Hebrew). It stretches virtually from the Mediterranean to the harp-shaped Sea Of Galilee and River Jordan on whose shores vast history has been made. Here is Mount Gilboa where King Saul and his son, Jonathan, died in battle against the Phillistines. Here is Hazor, where Deborah killed Sisera. Here, at Mount Meron, is the grave of Rabbi Hillel. Here in Tzippori, Hamat Tveriya and Bet Alpha, gorgeous 1,800-year-old synagogue mosaics have been discovered. Here is Armageddon (Megiddo) where Solomon built giant stables. Here is the lakeshore city of Tiberias, one of the “Four Holy Cities of Judaism” (another is Galilee’s Safed), which reached fame 2,000 years ago as one of the chief locations in which the Talmud was written. See the best of the Galilee with our brand new Galilee Stopover 5-day tour.